
Today's CHILDREN are Tomorrow's CITIZENS

  W E L C O M E 


WELCOME.This website is like a SCHOOL for children. We know that, Todays "CHILDREN" are Tomorrow's "CITIZENS". The elders of whatever age are children for their parents, for the country and before GOD. That's the beauty. That's why, the title of this website is "Children's Kingdom" and I hope that the visitors of all age will enjoy the photos with the texts available here.   

A THING of BEAUTY is JOY FOREVER.The BEAUTY lies not only in the physical body structure of Human beings, Animals or Birds; but also in their actions.This website is for photos of Children, Flowers, Animals, Birds & Mother Nature. I hope, Children will be HAPPY to visit this site and in this regard, the parents may encourage their children to visit this website most often, to understand the different aspects of life, which may help in becoming a good citizen of the country. 

My sincere request with the parents is that, visit this website with your children and make them understand that, the World belongs not only to Human Beings, but also, to Animals and Birds. We have to respect all living things which are on this BEAUTIFUL Planet of us. If the children are young and not able to understand the text given about the photo, you may please read the text and explain them to understand about life. You may narrate the text to the children with photo, like a story for better understanding. 

This is my small effort, which is like a drop of water in the ocean, to bring awareness in Children, about Nature, Animals and Birds. The Children from their young age, should be taught to be kind to Animals and Birds. They should also be taught to conserve water and not to pollute the environment for a better living of all in this beautiful WORLD.

Please visit all the pages shown on the right side of this website and I will be adding new pages in the near future. 

It's true that, A thing of BEAUTY is JOY forever. But, LOVE is more precious than Beauty.  The Beauty is, SKIN deep only. Whereas, the Love is deeper than the skin. 

Thanking you all,



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   ❤❤Let us all be kind to Animals & Birds

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